Telegram has revealed more details about its TON blockchain’s block validation process, even as it fights the SEC in court over its $1.7 billion token sale. Author: Anna Baydakova
Archives for February 2020
ConsenSys Acquires US Broker-Dealer in Bid to Tokenize Trillion-Dollar ‘Muni’ Bond Market
ConsenSys aims to use its new acquisition to offer tokenized municipal bonds in a market ripe for disruption. Author: Paddy Baker
Sony VC Fund Joins ‘Over $14M’ Funding Round for Digital Asset Platform Securitize
A venture capital fund under the management of Sony Financial Ventures (SFV) and Global Brain has invested an undisclosed amount in security token issuance platform Securitize. Author: Daniel Palmer
Craig Wright ‘Abusing’ Privilege to Block 11,000 Documents, Kleiman Lawyers Say
The filing says Wright has abused attorney-client privilege to withhold documents from the court. Author: Paddy Baker
What Is Going On With Jae Kwon and Cosmos?
Internal tensions at Tendermint, the company building the Cosmos blockchain, have begun to spill out into public view. Author: Brady Dale