Cybercrime and Cyber Risk are making headlines. Recently, Federal Prosecutors charged a gang of hackers from Russia and the Ukraine with stealing 160 million credit card numbers from more than a dozen companies. Authorities said it’s “the largest hacking scheme in U.S. history.” Some of the same hackers were accused of computer attacks on Citibank, […]
Christopher Holt from Towers Watson Reviews a New Terroism Risk Model
Underwriting Terrorism risk is a huge challenge for the insurance industry. Ty Sagalow spoke with Christopher Holt, Crisis Management consulting director at Towers Watson about the risk of terrorism and Sunstone, a new terrorism risk modeling software product . According to Chris Holt, terrorism includes political violence that can happen in emerging markets. Concern […]
Kevin Kelley from Ironshore Discusses industry performance, reputation risk
Kevin Kelley, CEO of Ironshore spoke with about: How the industry was doing; Reputation Insurance a new product that Ironshore just launched Product development International expansion; and The biggest trend that will be impacting the insurance industries clients — Obamacare
Pamela Newman on Sources of New Product Ideas
In this edition of Innovations in Insurance, host Ty Sagalow continues his discussion with Pamela Newman, President and CEO of The Newman Team at Aon. The topic turns to: the way underwriters and brokers work “hand in glove” to develop new insurance products and services how legislative consequence change can be the genesis of risk […]
Pamela Newman on the Role of the Broker in New Product Development
Innovations in Insurance, host Ty Sagalow welcomes Pamela Newman, President and CEO of The Newman Team at Aon to discuss the role of the broker in developing new products, such as coverage for reputation risk, piracy, technology and environmental risk, and bio-terrorism. Ms. Newman sees reputation issues exploding in importance, and coverage for reputation risk […]