In this second installment of the Insurance Thought Leadership interview series Mr. Sagalow is asked to comment on the importance of reputation to corporations of all sizes and what, if any, the insurance industry to doing to help them manage the risk.
Protecting Your Corporate Reputation
A company’s reputation, which is core to its profitability and long-term competitiveness, faces new challenges as information speeds blindly through online media and social networks. Lanny Davis, former assistant to President Clinton on crisis management and principal in Lanny J. Davis & Associates, recently noted that, “in the age of the Internet, you never get […]
Reputational Risk: What Companies Need to Know & Need to Do
Brand, or reputational risk, is at the top of concerns among senior management. And with the exponential growth in social media, the risk to a company’s reputation is growing as well. Solving the risk management issues surrounding reputation risk is a lucrative opportunity for the insurance industry. Here Ty Sagalow, president of Innovation Insurance Group discusses the potential impact […]