(NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 27, 2014). On December 5th, 2014 the John Street Club will be sponsoring a panel discussion on The “Emerging Risks”. Our panelists will be Ty Sagalow, CEO of Bitcoin Financial Group, the highly recognized expert on new insurance risks, Peter Gerken, Co-Founder and Senior Vice President of Steel City Re a leader in corporate reputation measurement and risk management, and Dr. Mark Browne, chair of the School of Risk Management faculty at St. John’s University. Dr. Browne holds the “Robert Clements Distinguished Chair in Risk Management and Insurance” and will be joining us after the Friday morning classes at the Astor Place campus.
The panel will be moderated by Hank Watkins, who will engage the speakers in a conversation on three topics: (1) Reputational Risk, (2) Digital Currency (Bitcoin) Risk and Autonomous Vehicles (land and air), – each among the most commonly discussed risks the insurance industry has yet to provide a risk transfer solution to.
Our speakers are:
Ty Sagalow is the President of Innovation Insurance Group and CEO of Bitcoin Financial Group. Please read Ty’s full bio on the Innovation Insurance Group website.
Dr. Mark J. Browne is the chair of the faculty of the School of Risk Management in the Tobin College of Business at the St. John’s University. Please read Mark’s full bio on the St John’s website.
Peter Gerken is co-founder and Senior Vice President of Steel City Re. Please read Peter’s full bio on the Steel City Re website.
Hank Watkins is the President of Lloyds’s North America. Please read Hank’s full bio on the Lloyd’s website.
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