Brand, or reputational risk, is at the top of concerns among senior management. And with the exponential growth in social media, the risk to a company’s reputation is growing as well. Solving the risk management issues surrounding reputation risk is a lucrative opportunity for the insurance industry. Here Ty Sagalow, president of Innovation Insurance Group discusses the potential impact […]
Interviews of Ty Sagalow
Also see Publications and Interviews under Thought Leadership for interviews on specific topics or risk areas
Cyber Crime in the News: Responses to Cyber Risk
Cybercrime and Cyber Risk are making headlines. Recently, Federal Prosecutors charged a gang of hackers from Russia and the Ukraine with stealing 160 million credit card numbers from more than a dozen companies. Authorities said it’s “the largest hacking scheme in U.S. history.” Some of the same hackers were accused of computer attacks on Citibank, […]
Ty Sagalow Previews New Product Innovation at RIMS 2013
Ty Sagalow joins us from the set of a new series he’ll be hosting on A 30 year veteran of the industry and former executive at AIG, Zurich and Towers, Ty has been involved in several of the industry’s major innovations. In his discussion with Ty discussed: Exepectations for the RIMS Conference What new products […]
Ty Sagalow: The Evolving Process of Innovation Within Insurance Companies
We continue with our 3-part discussion on innovation with Ty Sagalow. Here, Ty discusses the evolving process of innovation within insurance companies, and the use of outsourcing in new product development and marketing. He also shares his prediction on upcoming new products such as reputation insurance, intellectual property (IP) insurance, climate change (E&O) coverage and middle […]
Municipal Pensions – the next Black Swan… or the next big opportunity?
ANV Founder Matt Fairfield recently told that Municipal Pension Funds could be the next “black swan” facing the insurance industry. He suggests there may be “blood on the streets and civil unrest” in the wake of potential defaults. In fact, Detroit will be the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history, with the city’s debt […]